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Work | Jeroen Rood
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Yacht Design
For various purposes, from marketing to sales,acquisition and recruitment, I continuously work onvisual designs and campaign propositions for Yacht.
Marketing campaigns, visual design for communication identities.
Flyer design, responsive website template design, marketingcampaign and funnel strategy.
Plan for an online aqcuisition funnel; a "talent journey".
Marketing campaign comprising offline (posters) and online media (landing page)
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Philips MCC
Introducing a new product in the Mother & Child Care (MCC) department, the breast pump “Easy Comfort Electric”, required a redesign of the product page. This involved rethinking layout for new product propositions and adaptation of the website for the current product line and marketing strategy.
Graphics, information and their layout on the responsive product web page.
Icon explorations for new RTBs (Reasons to believe) for thenewest product.
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At GGN, my responsibilities comprised developing new applications as well as redesigning and extending already existing applications for users from within the company.
Being both a developer and designer at once, I combined software development with my design background. My activities as designer and developer comprised stakeholder meetings, design consulting (creating guidelines, creating awareness for uniform design languages), front-end coding (design-focused; HTML, CSS, JS) and back-end coding (functionality-focused).
This resulted in efforts on both application-level and policylevel; applications were (re-)designed and developed further. Additionally, a uniform design language was kickstarted.
Basic HTML mockups for illustrating a design direction for GGN. These mockups were made to display a range of different layouts to be used for internal applications.
A single-purpose tool for sending calamity text messages through SMS, designed to be simple, quick to use and to provide a better user experience upon interaction than a previous iteration. Material Design was used to design various elements for this application: from overall layout to alert modals, from loading animations to form elements.
A workload management tool for assigning workto employees. Material Design was combined with Bootstrap elements to create a simple yet powerful and communicative interface for managing workload.
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A graduation project at Oc? Technologies B.V. Venlo that focuses on production printing personnel.
Oc? has enabled this student to conduct research and run a project, but does not accept any liability for mistakes in the research or design of this project.
Project mission and concept
Oc? Technologies B.V. is a professional printing manufacturer. With my graduation project, I designed a multi-stakeholder concept as a service for Oc?. The result of the project is Vika. Vika (Virtual Information and KPI Assistant) seeks to predict unprofitable events before they happen, so they can be anticipated upon. This way, data collection and pattern recognition are used to increase profitability on the production floor. This will integrate with company KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), to allow for monitoring of performance.
Design process
Being a complex environment, with many possibilities to hook into the context with a design solution, first a design brief had to be made. This was done by myself, which is named as follows: "How can contextual information increase profitability at print production companies?". I formulated it by observing the context at a couple of print production companies, and by identifying the pains and breakdowns in their production processes. I used experience flows, combined with customer journeys to visualize and analyze my observations. Furthermore, the concept was designed with scenarios and stakeholder maps to get a more holistic overview of the context and how the concept influences it.
A customer journey that combines events with the flow of experience and profitability.
One of my scenario sketches to link the states of the design concept with the context it is designed for. its consequences, and interaction with the design concept.
The final deliverables were a movie, a design process report and a demonstrator of the final design. This demonstrator was made with HTML, CSS and JS. By using the framework MeteorJS, it was possible to create a web app to run on a smart watch, controllable with another web page as a remote.
Visual Design
The various visual iterations of the app. Each iteration changed the way information was visualized.
The notifications also needed to be designed from a visual perspective. By means of an iterative design process, the visual information was designed to consider the right pieces of information to be displayed. This way, I was able to combine interaction design and (visual) interface design.
With the report, I was able to create a consistent story, with a clear style concerning the visuals.
Apart from that, I used my illustrative skills and visual design skills to present and communicate my design process and my concept. I applied this in my report and my presentations. This way, I was able to involve others in my design process, but it also allowed me to make the designed concept more tangible. My illustrative style helped when I needed to make scenarios, analysis models or report and presentation visuals.
Oc? has enabled this student to conduct research and run a project, but does not accept any liability for mistakes in the research or design of this project.
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A platform for unifying memories of groups that take part of activities; family, friends or co-workers.
Cocap is a concept that emerged from a project on the Eindhoven University of Technology: Materializing Memories. Materializing Memories is a collaborative research program between the University of Sydney, University of Dundee and the Eindhoven University of Technology. The goal is to find different (and most importantly: more suitable) ways of saving and reliving memories.
The concept
In this light, I made a concept that embraced the power of digital memories; their lower threshold enables everyone to document their lives. As a consequence, when on a group trip, everyone is making photos individually without sharing them. And if these media are shared, it becomes a vast heap of digital files without a story line.
All these images, videos and Facebook statuses
make it hard to browse through and make sense of one's collection of digital memories.
The concept, named Cocap, enables capturing memories together on recreational group activities. Families, friends, co-workers or groups of any kind can capture any moment in their media of choice; be it photos, videos, audio fragments or even text. With Cocap, collaboration is required to document a day out, a trip or other activities. The result is collaborative Memory Scape; an engaging way to relive the memories that the entire group of friends, family or co-workers made. These Memory Scapes combine all the digital memories that are relevant, so they can be placed in a coherent story line to document the entire day, trip or activity.
Design process
The design process of Cocap was user-centered, from the start (with an into-the-wild context exploration) to several iterations throughout the process (both in lab settings, and in the field).
A Wizard-of-Oz Memory Scape based on the media that were collected by a group during a day out. This Memory Scape was discussed with the same group that took the media, to relive the day out, and to reflect on the effect it has on the group.
For the field tests, a prototype was developed to interconnect the smartphones of the test group; this enabled them to capture memories together.
The concept makes use of group dynamics, for which cues were taken from collaborative games; each participant has a different skill, but each skill must be used to achieve a collective goal. It was important to both study and design this dynamic; throughout the iterations, this element of working together was built into the design in various ways, and tested in field tests. This way, the collaborative constructs of the app were tweaked and iterated upon, to create a concept that evokes a good experience around capturing memories together.
Visual design & prototyping
The app was designed with wireframes for creating an overview of what it should look like. After that, this was developed into a Node.js web app. This allowed creating a HTML/CSS/JS layout, and interconnecting devices through websockets.
Through wireframes, I was able to design the various screens and interactions of the user. Additionally to the iterations that I did during the semester-long project, I made another visual iteration in Photoshop, to redesign the layout and the visual interactions and transitions between screens. This has been captured in a video, which can be shown below the wireframes.
The first idea was to introduce moments to which users can add their media.
The second iteration aimed at the capturing of media, and adding a label afterwards. This required choosing a label from a list of previously added labels. This would allow adding media to existing labels, and creating small collections of media for each label, which would expire after a certain time.
Whereas the first and second iteration allowed users to capture memories in all media at all times, this iteration restricted this choice to stimulate working together.
The final concept consisted of a feed of "moments", which are collections of media. This allows looking back at previous moments as well.
Being a university project, the result of this project was still a design concept; a proposal with a demonstrator prototype as deliverable, along with design process report. But it has been taken further more recently; I think it is interesting to see how I can make a startup out of it. Of course, being a proposal, I recognize that there is still a lot of work to be done. From UX refinements, to visual design tweaks, to technical implementation to its business model. But I plan to make some progress by using the Lean Startup method, to create both a product-market fit, but also to kickstart towards a launch.
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Visual Design
Throughout my life, I have been fond of drawing and sketching, with varying subjects.
Before my study Industrial Design, I have been drawing cars with pencils. Later on, I practised with markers and fineliners, as well as with more perspective and ellipses. As a hobby, I learned to sketch well, which I always used in my projects, ranging from product design to sketching of visuals for e.g. scenarios, diagrams or icons.
It started with pencil drawings of cars, from which I learned to observe and draw.
Later on, as I learned to sketch concepts with markers and fineliners, I started sketching cars. Here I learned to sketch with perspective, and practised my sketching skills (e.g. drawing ellipses).
A line drawing exploration
While sketching with design markers, I learned to take perspective into account.
Additionally, I learned to sketch digitally, and convert analog pencil sketches to digital drawings. Later on, as I got to use a drawing tablet, I also sketched digitally.
As I advanced through Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology, I applied my sketching skills in projects; concept drawing, diagrams, scenarios and design of both print and digital media (reports, videos, posters).
I used my sketch skills and visual design skills in various ways; from sketching concepts to visualizing stories or processes.
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A two-man web design business that makes websites for small- and middle-sized companies, as well as personal websites.
Red-n-Red was founded to break through the template-driven web design market for small- and middle-sized companies and the market for personal websites. As a creative web designer at heart, I wanted to make sure that these people, companies or clubs could enjoy a tailor-made website without the frills of a generic Content Management Systems, or a dull template which does not express their identity. The websites by Red-n-Red are custom-designed to fit the needs of the customers.
From an interaction design perspective, limiting the set of functionalities to suit the purpose of the website, using custom terminology that the customer could understand, is unique and reduces the learning curve. The websites for customers are designed responsive to the visitors' screen, which was a good way to learn more about what is most suitable for which type of screen.
Responsive web design for every customer is a great way develop an interface design skill set.
Every website is tailored and custom-designed, which requires building skills for listening to your customers to learn about their identity.
For Decoratieshop De Vlinder, a responsive website layout meant rethinking the way in which important elements of the website were displayed. For example, parts of the sidebar had to be relocated to the navigation, whereas others needed a separate trigger in a different location.
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Graphic design work as a part of the Integrand Eindhoven committee.
Integrand Eindhoven is a branch of the national Integrand; an organization for students by students that connects the corporate world with the academic world. Integrand helps students with finding internships, traineeships. Additionally, Integrand organizes events to allow students to connect with companies.
Being responsible for designing the corporate identity and visual appearance of many communications and promotions, I worked as a committee member at Integrand Eindhoven. From flyers to posters to banners to shirts to sunglasses. Mostly aimed at communication in and around Eindhoven, Netherlands, but occasionally I designed for the national communication of Integrand Netherlands.
The deliverables ranged from posters to flyers, banners, shirts or mailings. I managed to iterate over the corporate identity of Integrand Eindhoven, and managed to design a distinctive language across the multiple media that I designed. I used Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and eventually, my web design skills.
A mailing for of a national event of Integrand: designed in both Photoshop and HTML, CSS.
A national holiday mailing, with the Integrand brandmark as an iconic illustration.
Promotional posters for Integrand Eindhoven, to be distributed all across the city; at schools, universities and student associations.
Also, flyer design for events that had to stand out on their own, with their own identity.
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Censu: Central Support Unit is a concept aiming to increase medicinal adherence for hypertension patients. Censu is a concept that is made in collaboration with ZuidZorg (a domestic nurse provider). But during the design process, other stakeholders were involved as well; Service Apotheek, CarenZorgt (from Nedap) and Summa Zorg.
Wicked problem
The context that Censu focuses on, is home care. Hypertension is a disease that one carries along his or her entire life. Additionally, it is a disease of which the effects are only noticeable on the long run. Even though it can increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases in a later stage of life, medication can be neglected due to being forgotten, or becoming reluctant towards taking them.
The concept
Censu is a medicine container which is connected to the information system of ZuidZorg. This way, the nurses can be informed about the medicine adherence of a hypertension patient before each visit. Without having to interfere with Censu as an additional (corrective) measurement device during the visit, the nurse is aware of the adherence of a patient. This makes visits more convenient, and enables the nurse to have a conversation starter on the health of the patient. For the patient, the container will light up to remind the patient of taking his/her medication.
The journey of a hypertension patient during a nurse visit
Design process
As a part of the course, I was part of a team of students that had to come up with a concept that tackles the problem of medicine adherence from various points of view. It is a wicked problem that involves many stakeholders: the patients themselves, their informal carers, pharmacies, nursing services and nursing schools. This means that during the process, any of these stakeholder had to be involved to come up with a solution that mediates each of their values and needs. It also required us to analyze the service journey, which we formulated in collaboration with ZuidZorg. My part in this was to lead the holistic analysis of the various parts of the concept; how the concept is used over time (and during various moments of interaction) and how the concept is adding value to each of the involved stakeholders. This involved making stakeholder maps and service blueprints in collaboration with ZuidZorg, and presenting the results to the other stakeholders.
A system map to show how every stakeholder is involved into the concept Censu.
A value map showing each of the involved parties, how Censu is adding value for each, and how strongly each of the stakeholders relates to the concept.
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Participile is a public probing solution for engaging neighborhood inhabitants into discussion about sustainability.
The concept Participile
As a part of a course, I worked on a probing concept for engaging neighborhood inhabitants into discussion about neighborhood transformation on the topic of sustainability.
Participile was such a probing tool, allowing inhabitants to vote
for a couple of topics that were deemed most important. Being a big, public
installation, the probing tool was aimed at drawing attention and letting
people vote for the topics they thought was most important. The voting installation
used a limited amount of blocks, which made the voting biased, as anyone could
reverse a vote of another. This could be regarded a weakness, but also a
strength; it can strengthen the debate, especially if the debate can be followed along, to show the intermediate results at any time.
The probing tool consisted of a big public installation and an app to follow along with the debate. The probe was tested "in the wild" in the specific neighborhood that was targeted. Throughout the process, our team had intense collaboration between the municipality of Eindhoven, the neighborhood inhabitants of Eckart-Vaartbroek, as well as the project owners.
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A.C.E. (Autonomous Car Expressivness) is an explorative design project that envisions the transition phase between a fully human to somewhat-autonomous car traffic. It was my Final Bachelor Project at Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Project mission
The project was about creating a solution for easing in autonomous vehicles in the current society, where vehicles are exclusively driven and controlled by humans. In this era to come, where autonomous cars are going to mingle between human traffic, it is important that autonomous cars are understood by human traffic participants. The project envisions making autonomous cars expressive by means of light signals; to mimic behavior of humans inside cars (e.g. waving, greeting, saying thank you). This way, the autonomous cars get a way of communicating their intentions, which can create understanding from non-autonomous traffic, be it pedestrians, cyclists, or human motorists.
Design Process
This project allowed to think about societal change, and how a ground-breaking technology like autonomous vehicles would need to be designed to achieve this change. From an interaction design perspective, it was interesting to understand how human drivers would handle specific situations, and to create an automomous car translation for when it would communicate intentions to show similar behavior. Visualizations were created, and both drivers and non-drivers were involved into reflecting on the expressions of the cars. Additionally, government officials were involved to discuss the topic of phasing-in autonomous vehicles in human traffic.
Involvement of both drivers and non-drivers
Involvement of government officials specialized in infrastructure.
The designed expressions of autonomous cars were animated iteratively throughout the process. This involved designing the signals; how should they be perceived and how can one give the right signal? This was projected on a miniature car body to show the effect. The projected expressions were designed in Photoshop and After Effects, and displayed through Processing. Throughout the process, various animations were discussed with both drivers and non-drivers.
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